Monday, February 11, 2008

Metro Monday

You gotta stop and smell the Daffodils!!!

And sometimes the Daffodils need to be watered!!!

And yes, the Daffodils are blooming is south Georgia. General Beau Lee, Ph.D., Georgia’s Official Weather Prognosticator predicted an early spring on Feruary 2nd. With temperature in the upper 60's to lower 70's for nearly two week now, I would say he got another one right!!! In the mean time - his northern cousin, Punxsutawney Phil, has six more weeks of cold, snow and winter in store for those above the Mason-Dixon.

1 comment:

Kylee Baumle said...

I can't even imagine having blooming daffodils in February! Here it is April and only a few buds of them. It will be a week or so before any are in bloom, and that's only if it doesn't turn cold again!