Saturday, January 28, 2006

Reaching New Heights

With the Hiding of "Reaching New Heights" - Sherry and I have provided a way to share some of the memories of Mom and Dad with the world of Geocachers.

Reaching New Heights

First to Find

GeoNuttz ~

The first day that it was searchable, four cachers found and logged the Cache!

Thursday, January 26, 2006


The bugler from the Tennessee Army National Guard couldn't have known. As he stood at attention with the cold wind blowing in his face, the spot which he had chosen to stand this afternoon was most appropriate: Right in front of Granny and Pa Woods' tombstone.

Wayne read scriptures and said a prayer. From where and what he said is lost.

Then Taps began to echo amongst the granite monuments. The Flag was folded..

On behalf of the President of the United States, a grateful nation and the United States Army please accept this flag as a token of our appreciation for your Father's honorable and faithful service.

God bless you and this family, and God bless the United States of America