Monday, December 31, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
A Pain in the Necks
The idea is to open the space that is being compress between verbrates where there should be disk. The pressure of the spurs cause us headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain and numbness of the arms, hands and fingers!!! owie!!!
- Directs traction forces toward the occiput (back of the head) thereby preventing compression of the TMJ through the chin.
- Applies up to 50 pounds of traction.
- Ensures safety--user has total control of force at all times
- Enables easy home traction without assistance.
- Includes patented self-adjusting neck wedges that rotate through a 30 degree arc and are removable for easy cleaning or replacement.
- Provides a comfortable and cost-effective option to continuing clinical traction treatments.
- Includes user's guide and deluxe carrying case.
- Patented self-adjusting neck wedges rotate through a 30 degree arc and are removable for easy cleaning or replacement. The rotation of the neck wedges combined with the ability to adjust the width ensure that even patients with extra large or extra small necks can achieve a perfect fit!
- Patented pump design incorporates an easy-to-use "click-in-place" mechanism for pumping, sustaining and releasing the traction.
- Gauge reads in in pounds/kg of traction to provide feedback to the user and to promote consistency in treatment.

Believe or not, it is actually quite comfortable and it HELPS!!!
Dr. H also ordered MRI's for both of us. The day after Christmas, we arrived at the hospital for our rides in the tube. An hour later, we were each given a Compact Disk, I mean Compact Disc, to take to our next appointment.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
We have an appointment next month. Sarah and I have a desire to open our home. There is a critical shortage of foster parents in Georgia. The process is approval is not simple or quick, but it is necessary to be sure that we are ready. Pray for us!!! We have love in our hearts to share. If we can be a blessing to just one child, it will be worth it!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Winter Flowers
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bible Quiz Time
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Really, it was quite easy if you eliminate the "dumb" answers.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Storm Damage
There were trees uprooted, trees broken in half and trees across the road. The mobile homes near the intersection were not damaged (that we could see, the offical report says otherwise).
The distance from our home to were the tornado did its destruction was exactly 5 cromes (five miles by way the crow flies)
The Offical Report from NOAA:
N32° 17' E82° 91'
Even closer to home:
The guys that rent to hunt the planted pines, felt it necessary to put up a gate at the lane. The lane has always be considered a public road way. A bit of land that each of the property owner's (one of which being Sarah's Dad) would give to be the common land - share by both, owned by none. We were upset by the installation of the gate but we still had access via the breaks in the old fence. With the power pole needing to be replace at midnight last night and no key to open the gate --- the guys from the EMC took the easy route. They plowed the bucket truck though the gate like it wasn't there!!!
Mama was scared last night. The sound of something hitting the roof was LOUD. They were thinking hail... But instead it was the pecans being loosed from the huge tree and descending onto the metal roof. With the wind last night all the pecans have fallen from the trees and need to be harvested.
And then, the storm came,
Tornado Watch...
and then, less than 10 minutes later...
Tornado WARNING, radar indicated wind rotation 10 miles north east of Alamo - the southern Laurens, northern Wheeler counties area. Moving toward the ESE at 55 mph, and away from us, the winds die down as quickly as they arose.
We head to bed knowing that when the power returns, Metro will run through the house looking for the unseen force that made the various clocks beep. We are unaware that the damage to the power lines are so close. Truck from Little Omulgee EMC stop in the road at the corner of the farm. The pole on the lane, is down. At 1:03 the electricy is restored and finishing touches are applied to the new pole...
Glad we got a good nap yesterday afternoon!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Rainy Night in Georgia

It has been a long time since the Weather Channel maps indicated rain in south Georgia. Sprinkles started this morning about 10:15 while we were fishing for our supper. Yummm, brim, cole slaw and fried sweet taters!!!
Our afternoon nap was enhanced with heavy raindrops hitting the back deck. And with rain falling nearly non-stop since 2:00, Metro's walks outside have been mostly done under the carport. Isn't that the main reason we build the carport in the first place?
With most of the country - east of the Rockies and north of the Mason-Dixon line - in the grips of ice and snow, we are due get a taste of the temperature but not the frozen precipitation. Monday morning's low will be in the upper 20's. We rarely get the moisture and cold temperatures at the same time - that's a good thing!
So far today, 1.22" of rain. More rain in less than 10 hours versus the past 30 days combined. The forecast has the rain ending overnight, between 2 and 3 a.m.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Honor your Father and Mother
Passed away Friday, December 7, 2007.
Survivors include: Her husband, Johnny Ray Sharpe. Her sons Brian of Beaufort, SC and Jamey and Kimberly of Statesboro, GA.
Her Mother, Fredia Harvey
Sisters: Suzanne and Bill Blanton of Dublin, Leila and Victor Thigpen of Lothair, Anna and Buddy Garner of Tennille
Brother: Freddie and Linda Harvey of Dublin
Several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews
Brenda was born in Wheeler County. She was a graduate of Wheeler County High School and attended Brewton Parker College. She was a resident of Laurens County for many years and was a member of Dudley Baptist Church. She was employed as secretary for Lake's Alignment. Brenda was preceded in death by her father, William Jethro Gilder and her stepfather, Dudley C. Harvey.
Funeral services were held yesterday at the Chapel of Townsend Brothers Funeral Home, followed by burial at the Snow Hill Cemetery in Wheeler County.
So few words, for a life so full!
It was said by one of Brenda co-workers that took part in the eulogy yesterday, that - more often than not - Brenda would turn their conversations into something about her sons. "But, we weren't talking about our children?!?!"
I guess that's were Jamey gets it. Before his mother became sick, he would include his Mom in the conversations we had on the back dock of the Piggly Wiggly building. And when she was diagnosed, he was there for whatever his Mom needed. He honored her. With the devotion that is worthy of Deuteronomy 5:16.
"Honor thy father and thy mother, as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee,"

I nearly lost it at the end of the service, when the music started playing. It was the same Amazing Grace by The Pipes and Drums and the Military Band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards that was played at the end of my Dad's funeral.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Metro Monday
When it is cold outside, you gotta wear your sweater! Along with your Fur Coat!!!
Metro was under the weather this past weekend. But when you consider it was sunny and in the lower 80's, his shivering was a sure sign that he was a sick puppy. All day Friday and Saturday, he laid in his shoebox bed. (Yes, he will fit into a shoebox). With warm blankets, diluted chicken soup and extra attention from us - he was feeling better Sunday morning.
Wonder if Sarah would like some warm blankets and diluted chicken soup?
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Two years ago
I departed the Sunday after Thanksgiving, actually leaving home on Saturday afternoon. With Sherry and Todd in tow to South Atlanta, I exited I-75 to Sissy and Buddy’s (& Geli’s) house. I arrived too early at the Atlanta Airport on the busiest travel weekend.
Korean Air flight 36 departed at 12:10 p.m Sunday afternoon. I arrived in Seoul for a short layover some 15 hours later. But wait, I cross 10 times zones and the International Dateline in the process. Two hours later I am back on a plane for Bangkok, Thailand. Touchdown was approximately 12:20 a.m. ON TUESDAY!!! What happened to Monday???
Tuesday morning at 9:00, I met Laurie (actually a guy) and Kevin. We drove to the Bangkok office/lab to check emails and such. And then, driving across the city north to one of the factories – TWT.
I had to excuse myself from the lunch, the smell of the what has been called one of the Dirtiest City in the World was getting to me! I went back to the hotel and slept about two hours. The rest of the week was filled with more factory visits (TTS and TWT several time) and working with Kevin in the lab.
Hong Kong
Sunday morning finds me packed and ready for my flight to Hong Kong. I am met at the airport by the hotel chauffer and I am in awe of the mountains rising directly from the bay. The hotel is one of the nicest during my Asia stay – the Marco Polo. A Tumi store is in the lobby! Dinner that evening was shared with Laurie, his wife and daughter.
Monday was spent in the Hong Kong office and putting faces to the staff that I have emailed so many times. A short walk to a nearby restaurant for lunch, where I must demonstrate my chop stick skills. It seemed like each time I sat at one of those round tables, I was picking up peanuts with chop sticks. My visa for China arrived that afternoon and Laurie and I plan to meet early the next morning for the high speed ferry ride to mainland China.
As I was walking up the street to the hotel, I get a light tap on the shoulder.
“You go to your hotel?”
Me: Ahhh, yes.
“You have dinner?”
Me: Maybe
“I have dinner with you?”
Me: I don’t think so!!!
“I nice girl…”
I never looked her way and picked up the pace as I duck into one of the upscale stores. I walked around the display counter once and quickly made the remaining half block to the hotel. I had the fruit from the basket in my room for dinner that night, afraid to leave my room.
A two hour ferry ride from Hong Kong to mainland China, a two hour drive from the port to the Shenzhen lab and it’s time for lunch. More chop stick tricks are performed. I work with Andy, Alex, Laurie, Kevin in setting up the test equipment in the new Chinese lab. Three factories are visited: Chaw Khong, Twinkle and Hersun. Hersun is a two hour drive north of Shenzhen and is visited on Saturday with Andy. We ride a train back to Hong Kong and make the official stop at the border.
Hong Kong part deux
Marco Polo Hotel again… Dinner with Andy, Grace, Carol and Christina – on the waterfront, seafood that was swimming in the ocean that afternoon and still swimming in huge tanks when we made our selections.

Yum… Note to self: don’t accept challenge from Andy to eat the wasabi without the sashimi.
Again traveling on Sunday… I arrive in Taipei airport and then the three hour ride on the Spotted Dog (not Grey Hound) bus to Taichung. Monday – Thursday, I work with George, Mina and Andy in the lab.

Having afternoon teas with Mr. Cheng of UWBI were some of the high points of the entire trip. Factory visits Theorem and Royalox rounded out the week.
San Francisco
Departure time from the Taipei airport was 9:50 a.m. on Friday. With the strong tailwind from the Jet Stream, the normally 13 hour trip across the Pacific only took 12 ½ hours. We arrived in California an hour and 30 minutes before we left Taiwan!!! Is that where part of my first Monday went?
The trip across the continental U.S. was uneventful, I needed that. We landed at Hartsfield/Jackson on time and was picked up shortly thereafter by Buddy and Sissy. I wasn't going to spend another night away from home and the drive via I-75 and I-16 was a bit of a blur.
Sarah and Metro greeted me at the door. As I unpacked the next morning, Metro staked his claim in the Wheel-a-Way bag. He, with his actions, restated what Sarah had said that afternoon.

“If/when you go back, I’m going with you!!!”
- 5 countries
- 3 Airlines
- 8 Factories
- 6 Test Labs
- 11 Containers of Tea
- Too Much Food
- Too Little Sleep
- 1 Day Off
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Well, duh...
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The South That's a Southern accent you've got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don't have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it. | |
The Midland | |
Boston | |
The West | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
North Central | |
The Inland North | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Anyone need some turnips???
We took each other photo, unware until we heard the click of the shutter, as we read from the New Testament that is stored in a weather-proof container at the Tree House.
We stopped by the turnip patch on our return trip to the Beaver Pond this morning. We wanted to see if the turnip roots have started to turn woody. THEY HAVEN'T!!!
How many bushels do YOU want?Monday, November 26, 2007
Metro Monday
Sarah and Metro took the fall colors in the house and placed them back into storage. And out came the REDS and GREENS.
With each item pulled from the box, Metro excitement grew.
- Stockings hung
- Village lit
- Holly sprigged
- Candles stood
- Pond sitters sitting (sound it out, you'll get it)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
We didn't just fall...
We have been enjoying the turnip roots and greens and Mustard greens for about five weeks now. Maurice, Sarah’s brother, loves to buy seeds, plant and fertilize and then watch stuff grow. That’s about the end of his involvement, until the bounty comes out of the cooking pot.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Over the River...
We loaded our dishes on the back golf cart and headed for Mama's house. Sissy and Buddy brought the majority of the meal and it was delicious!
While I was taking photos of the cedars, our 'across the road' neighbors were headed out to Grandma's also. And like us, they only had a short drive. In fact, the back of the farm shares property boundaries with his parents farm.
Metro and Geli made sure that the chicken was turning 'round and 'round just right.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
In Loving Memory
She was a member of Faith Baptist Church in McRae, Georgia. She is survived by her husband, Robert. Also surviving are three sons and daughters-in-law, one brother, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Monday, when I arrived home from work and before our rescheduled Mid-Week Prayer Meeting, I told Sarah that we were going to see the Garretts tomorrow evening after work. We promised to go see her when she got home. As we arrived at church, we were told the sad news - Yvonne had passed away around 3:00.
Mrs. Yvonne, while we didn't get to see you at your house; we did come to see you and Mr. Robert when you made it HOME.
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. 2 Peter 3:13
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Iron Chef Tumi
Monday, November 19, 2007
Metro Monday
Metro has always joined us in our chores outdoors... Whether it is pulling weeds from the landscaping, gathering veggies from the garden, feeding the goats and chicken or cutting wood for the fireplace. One of the first photo we took of Metro outside was of him perched on a log while we were cutting wood for use during our Christmas vacation (2000). Unfortunately, that photo was taken with film rather than digital.
Saturday, we found ourselves again cutting wood. Sarah's brother was cleaning up some scrub oaks that were in the northwest corner of the farm. Not wanting to let the usable firewood go to waste, we cut to length and loaded even the skinniest of logs into back of the pickup. Metro was there to HELP.