Sunday, October 29, 2006

23 years...

Brandi was just a few weeks old. One of my least favorite daily tasks was lessen by my decision that day. I would grow a beard. The bristles grew in red. Red versus the brown of the thick mass of hair that grows on my top of my head. Well the red has given way to grey and white over the past few years. So much so that my beard was almost invisible when I trimmed it on Saturday evenings for Sunday services and on Wednesday mornings.

I didn't cut it all! I left the moustache - it has been part of me for 30 years. I don't think I would even know how to shave my upper lip! And I also left a goatee. What I shaved away was the the whiter portions.

So what caused me to part with something that has been with me almost half of my life? I'm still not sure!

By the way, what is this short stubble all over my face? I forgot what is was like to have a five o'clock shadow!

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