Sunday, May 20, 2007

Donkey Parable

The little donkey was old, weak and nearly blind. So it was he stumbled into the old, dried up well behind the barn.

The farmer knowing he couldn’t lift the little donkey out the well, he decided to solve two problems at once. He would fill in the dried up well and bury the little donkey at the same time.

He called his neighbors to bring their shovels to help him in his task. With the first shovels of dirt, the donkey brayed and hollered. With each round of dirt sent down, the screams from the donkey grew louder and louder. The farmer hung his head - but kept throwing dirt down the hole. Then the sound of pain and despair ceased. The farmer encouraged his neighbors to continue.

Meanwhile, deep in the well, the little donkey was thinking his end was near. His yelling was no avail. Shovels full of dirt cascade upon him. His reflexes took over. He began to shake to rid his head of the dirt. Then shaking to free his shoulders, and finally his back – he waited for more dirt to fall. He lifted his hoofs, stomped a couple of times and stood on the newly deposited ground. More dirt, more shaking and again stepping up.

As the hole filled, the donkey continued, slowing gaining elevation. As soon as he was able, the donkey stepped over the edge of the well and walked away.

as told by Bro. Bill this morning

Aren't we just like the donkey in the well sometimes? We all have days when we feel as if we are trapped. We can't get out, and there seems to be a never-ending stream of dirt raining down on us. So when you find yourself down and out by some mistake you made, don’t let others bury you with ridicule and harsh words. Rather, shake them off and STEP UP.

Donkey, from Shrek - Dreamworks