Monday, January 07, 2008

Metro Monday

Wait a minute, I thirsty!!!

Yesterday, the temperature was around 71°. Lower 70's in January ? Yes, in south Georgia, even with the overnight low Thursdaynight/Friday morning at 15°.

"If you don't like the weather in south Georgia, just wait a few days - it will change!!!"

After morning worship and before Choir practice, we took a walk to the Beaver Pond. Metro joined us, of course. He walked every step of the way from the house to the Beaver Pond and from the Beaver Pond back to the house. A round trip of just less than a mile. As we neared the Fish Pond and home, Metro's little tongue was hanging out and he was hassling. We paused as he took a drink of water from the Pond.

The inseam of my blue jeans is 32". Metro's little legs are around 4" long. 1:8 ratio. For every step I take, Metro takes eight. For every mile I walk, does Metro walk eight miles???

No wonder he was thirsty!!!

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