Thursday, January 18, 2007

Freddie and Eletha

Eletha was the Sarah's boss for nearly three years. Quality Control Manager to Quality Control Supervisor.

Freddie and Eletha celebrated 40 years of marriage this past summer. Hills and valleys, ups and downs. We knew Freddie mostly from Eletha and the times the three of us had lunch together in the Q.C. office. He was a sick man for about eight years, since he retired from A.Y.P. due to health issues. We only met once, at the department cookout at their house in the summer of 2002. But we shared a common interest. NASCAR!

For me it was a catch as catch can on Sunday afternoon between morning and evening services.

For Freddie it was Sunday! or Saturday night! or the whenever there was a replay on Speed Channel. And anytime Swainsboro Raceway was open, he was there.

Swainboro Racing

Freddie's funeral was this morning at Eleven O'clock. Eight of the Q.C. auditors and myself represented Tumi...

Number 15, take your Victory Lap!

Rest in Peace, Freddie!

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