Sunday's sunrise was awesome! Sun Rays stretching out from behind the clouds. We were dressed and ready for Sunday School a little early and actually took time to eat a bite of breakfast for a change. Mmmmmmm, fresh egg sandwiches! We picked up Mama, and drove
into town...
Mama ( who will be 93 years young on July 1st ) was seated in her lightweight wheelchair that we kept in the PT Cruiser. Not because she depends on us to push her around, sometimes she get around better than we do. It is just easier for her to ride from car to classroom to auditorium to car.
I was pushing her up the ramp that is beside the cement flowers when I got dive bombed!!! I saw it coming, but I had both hands on the handles of the wheelchair. BAM!!! I was hit! I took a direct shot in the upper lip. SMACK! Right in the KISSER! A wasp had stung me. It felt like a hot coal. Sarah said, "I've got Mama... go to the kitchen and get some ice."
I was already heading that way. When the ice wasn't on my lip, it felt like some one was holding a curling iron to my mouth. With 25 mgs. of Benadryl from the First Aid kit, I went on to our classroom. Shortly, I started feeling nauseated and my head was beginning to ache. Sarah asked, "You need to go home or to the ER?"
HOME, please!!!
My upper lip was swelling!!!
Katherine is a nurse! And there are three others of our church members that are nurses! She has already heard of my encounter with the wasp. She handed me another 25 mg capsule and made me a ice pack for my ride home. It continue to swell and the burning sensation increased for about an hour. Then slowly it began to ease. Then the Benadryl kicked in and I dozed off for about fifteen minutes. By the time we left for the first session of Vacation Bible School at 5:00, I was almost back to normal.
My special request of my sister --- here is the photo taken after Sarah drove me home!