Friday, July 13, 2007

Change your blades once a year (whether they need it or not)

One year and nine days ago, I changed the blades on the mower. I knew that it was time to do it again. The balance of the steel going 'round and 'round was way off.

This time instead of relying on the cross reference book at the hardware store, I {with the help of a Call-a-Sister (thanks Sherry!!!)} was able to use my own blog to get the correct blade number. A quick change of old for new and a run back to town for gas (who would of thunk you could put $15.00 worth of gas in a 5 gallon gas can), and we were ready to start cutting grass.

The grass blades of entire yard are now one level. (Still need to Weed Eat around the carport and goat/chicken pen). We (I was using the BIL's mower) finished about 9:30 last night by using the headlights. And with the weather predication for rain and our schedule this weekend being full (William and Kaitlin's rehearsal and wedding), we are thankful to have that task out of the way!