Friday, September 19, 2008

Two Appointment/Same Day - Cornary CTA

More detail here - later....

Finally made it to an appointment that was originally scheduled for August 18th. But the ERCP kinda bumped that in the head.

We were early for the follow up appointment with the Endocrinologist and were walking out before the scheduled time. We had time to kill, so we headed to the mall for a bit of shopping.

A Coronary CTA is a CT scan with three passes and then another one after a contrast dye has been injected. And about 3 seconds after the dye hit my veins, it felt like I grabbed an electric fence with my right hand. OUCH!!!

And I did have an allergic reaction to the contrast. I woke up in the wee hours of Thursday morning with my eyes nearly swollen shut and itching. It was like a million mosquito bites!

Benedryl, lots of water and 24 hours later the reaction subsided... Then, the wait for the report.

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