Saturday, August 11, 2007

It's a Southern Thang

Having lunch this week with folk from work has got me to thinking. Dana is not a southern girl. She is from (shutter) New Jersey. A couple of years ago on her first visit to Georgia, we took her to one of those All.Y'all.Can.Eat buffets. With a "what's that" look, she passed by the Turnip Greens, Fat Back, Fried Corn Bread and Fried Green Tomatoes. Instead she placed spoonfuls of Mac'n Cheese and Green Beans and a piece of Baked Chicken. Only three items? She doesn't understand the concept of some of EVERYTHING goes on your plate!

But this trip, she ordered Sweetea. Wayne, Larry and I were in shock!!! Is she becoming assimilated? Well, maybe not. She still got the Mac’n Cheese at lunch on Thursday. But she did drink Sweetea each day at lunch. And before she left she had her MDR of grease, enough to last her a good long time.

There are four ingredients in Sweetea (it is all one word):

The tea bag(s)

Sugar and lots of it (one cup per 1/2 gallon)

Ice and lots of it

and the Water...You must start with GOOD WATER. It must not be mixed with chlorine. Chlorine will kill the taste buds of a true Southerner. The best water comes from the south. Thousands of years away from the pollution of modern man and stored in the aquifer. The sweetness (in the south, even our water is sweet) obtain by digging yo'self a deep well. 250 to 300 feet deep will do nicely. I would put the H-two-O that comes from my kitchen sink against any thing that sets on grocery shelves in a plastic bottle. What, you don't have a deep well and an aquifer running under your house?

Well, bless your heart...

And if your water is coming from some pipe the the city put in - Well, bless your heart - at least run your drinking and tea making water through a filter (Thank Goodness for Brita).