Friday, February 09, 2007

Back to the Doctor

I was feeling kinda fuzzy this morning at work, so I took my blood pressure.


I didn't believe it, so I took it again.


Not much better, uh?

So I call the doctor's office, Betsy told me to "get yourself here, but be careful"!


I was just going to comfirm that the blood pressure cuff at work wasn't accurate. But she said, "I want Doc to see ya this morning". I brought in my laptop with the Excel spreadsheet of the BP readings for the last 7 days.

After looking over my chart and spreadsheet, Dr. S went to the storage cabinet and returned with a month's supply of Micardis ...

After the exam was over, Dr. S began asking about my laptop --- I think there maybe a Toshiba in his future. Oh, he didn't charge me for the office visit and I didn't charge him for the computer advice!