Friday, February 02, 2007

Toldja it was coming!

Well, it is official!

My southern way of life has caught up with me. Too many fried foods and too many rich desserts.

Besides my blood pressure being to high, my bad cholesterol is slightly elevated (the 'good' cholesterol was o.k.) and my blood sugar is on the fringe of stepping from the green zone to the yellow zone.

And then Doc got real ugly. He said, "You need to drop 16 to 18 pounds!"

A prescription for Lipitor, an asprin per day, and start DASH - Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension are my instructions.

Febuary 26 will find me in Macon for a Cardio Stress Test.

A stop at the grocery store preceded the pharmacy. Fruits, salads, 100% juices, oatmeal and oat grain products - on the list. Steak, chops and other good stuff - off the list.

With family history being what it is, I should have known!

I wanna slap Paula Dean!