Monday, February 12, 2007


The cell phone rung as we arrived at church Friday night for the Valentine Banquet.

"What are we having for lunch tomorrow?" Sherry was on the other end.

She left her house at 4:00 AM CST --- she arrived at our house at 11:30 AM EST! Six hours and thirty minutes for the 386 miles (*does math*) - she averaged 59.38 m.p.h and she stopped in Atlanta to get her oil changed!!!

She went to church with us Sunday morning and headed back to Tennessee at 2:30. The plan was - when we got home from church we would call her to see where she was. I was thinking Monteagle. However, she said "Murfreesboro". 71.43 m.p.h. on the return trip!!!

Thanks Sis!!! I am so glad you were able to make it down to south Georgia to "make sure I turned 50"... and thanks for my Dairy Queen Ice Cream Cake.

By some quirk, I actually weighed in at a pound less than I did last Thursday!