Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Finally Did it!

We drove to Savannah for a long overdue checkup on the back surgery done last May. What should have been the six month follow-up in November - more like 9 months. Scheduled to see Gary, the Physician Assistant, we said hello to him as we entered the hallway to the examination rooms. That would be the last time we saw Gary yesterday morning. Dr. Heiges spotted Sarah as he exited the exam room across the way. Smiles and waves were exchanged, just before she was escorted to the radiology department. Dr. Heiges stepped in to the room and shook my hand, "I almost didn't recognize her with the different hair color, I'm use to the darker hair. Is she getting pictures taken?"

Moments later, xray read... Dr. H. did the consult instead of Gary. He had taken time from his busy schedule to spend it with Sarah. He is a GOOD DOCTOR!!!

Lunch with Brooke at Chili's --- Yummmmmmmm. And then a bit of shopping...

As we drove through Vidalia, we decided to visit with Dot for a few minutes. We were welcomed with kisses from Tit Bit and Dot. The article that appears in today's edition of the Vidalia Advance was saved on her laptop as a word file. She asked me to read it aloud. Last week, Carlson was honored posthumously by the Peace Officers’ Association of Georgia (POAG) with a Life Time Achievement Award.

I almost made it to the end of the article without tearing up...

It was finally the right time to share with Dot what I had written nearly 6 months ago.

She almost made it to the end of the blog without tearing up...