Then something happened, we are not sure what. But I am blaming a mean Nanny Goat. Around the middle of January, we noticed Merlinda was hopping on one foot. Her right leg (thigh and drumstick for the culinary) just kinda flopped without purpose. At the same time, she lost her status in the pecking order. She was being abused by the other hens in her weakness. We removed her from the coop and made a small pen for her under the carport.
And a fine pen it was… One inch EVA foam to act as insulation from the cold concrete - fresh straw for bedding (changed regularly) - a heavy gate as a top for security - and a blanket for shielding Merlinda from the winds that circle around the breezeway - fresh water and food & daily treats. She was enjoying the spoiling.
Amateur vets to the rescue – we splinted the leg. For six weeks, we pampered and petted her while she wore her blue painter’s tape cast. She even received ‘spa treatments’. Did you know that chickens are somewhat potty trainable? We didn’t either!!!
Yesterday, Merlinda was moved from the rehab center back to the coop. She protested! But as darkness came with the end of day, she hopped one rail at a time till she made it to the roosting rail at the top. The victory was bittersweet, we felt like our chicken had cut the apron strings and we were empty nesters.
Morning report: Merlinda is either afraid to or is not able to descend the rails to ground level on her own. I guess we will have to install a handicapped ramp.