Tuesday, April 17, 2007


My blog usually doesn't reflect the things that most would consider current events. While I watch more news than movies, listen to NPR on my commute to work and read the news websites, I usually just absorb the tit-bits and don't write about them. But what happened yesterday, I am moved to express my feelings.

The news yesterday from Virginia Tech is not shocking to me. Don’t get me wrong – it is a tragedy. In my 50 years, America has changed. Crime, even in small towns, has exploded. The nightly news has become a grocery list of the wrongs that people have committed against their fellow man. We cringe at the reports of yet another injustice done to the innocent. But, the evil that we hear about is not new. Are we just more exposed to it? Everything thought to be news worthy hits the airways. Shock Jocks and Reporters are stirring the pot. Over 24 straight hours of news coverage and counting. And we watch, like the proverbial train wreck, we watch.

I followed the headlines on the Internet yesterday.

12 Killed at Virginia Tech…
22 Reported Dead on Virginia Tech Campus…
32 Dead in the Worst Massacre Ever…

I am afraid that we are yet to see the Worst Massacre Ever!

So… Why did it happen? Can it happen in my hometown? Is the school down the street the next one to have dozens of T.V. news vans with satellite dishes on top in the parking lot?

Why??? Human nature? Can’t people just get along? Why do people feel that they must get even with someone that has wrong them? Where is the Golden Rule? What about forgiveness? In the midst of such disastrous event, where can we turn?

How about God?

I'm praying for my town, my region, my state, my country. I'm praying for what we as Christians have called revival. A renewal of God's Spirit, God's love and God's grace. This is the only way true forgiveness can be expressed and experienced.